From the course: Learning Amazon Web Services (AWS) QuickSight

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Filtering visuals

Filtering visuals

- [Instructor] Filters enable us to focus on or exclude elements representing a particular value in our analysis. Filters apply to a single field and a single data set in our analysis, but they can apply to several visuals on both regular and calculated fields. This is unlike the filtering in the ETL framework, where you apply the filter to the entire dataset. The available filter options will change based on the data type of the field we add to the filter. In QuickSight, let's add a new sheet to our analysis by hitting the plus button next to sheet one. The first sheet is called the default sheet. Let's rename it, by clicking on it, Weather Trends, and hit enter to save the new name. Let's rename sheet two Pivot 1. Again, hit enter to save it. In the new sheet, let's add a new pivot table visual by selecting it from our visual types. We click on pivot table, which adds it to our view. This visual table contains values and…
