From the course: Learning Amazon Web Services (AWS) QuickSight

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Creating visuals

Creating visuals

- [Instructor] A visual is a graphical representation of your data. Within a QuickSight you can create a wide variety of visuals by utilizing different data sets and visual types. Before we begin creating visuals we want to understand the difference between dimension and measure fields. QuickSight denotes dimensions in blue. Dimensions are partitioning items or attributes that can be either text or date data types, like the date or location fields in our weather data. Measures are for comparing, measuring, and aggregating numbers, like the precipitation and temperature fields in our daily weather data. There are four ways you can add dimension and measure fields to your visuals in QuickSight. You can directly select them from the Field pane list, you can drag them to the Field wells, you can use the on-visual editors, or you can drag them to the drop targets on the visuals. When you're creating a visual or configuring it…
