From the course: Learning Amazon Web Services (AWS) QuickSight

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Deleting data sets

Deleting data sets

- [Instructor] Let's say that you want to remove a data set from your analysis because you either don't need it anymore, or you brought in another data set that fits your needs better. If you do choose to remove a dataset, you cannot undo this action. You will remove it completely from your ETL framework. You will no longer be able to create visualizations from the dataset and any data referencing this dataset will also no longer work. To preemptively make sure to save your work, and not lose what you've done so far, you can pursue a few steps to stabilize this deletion process. Create a new data set to replace the existing one you plan to delete, then delete your original dataset. Make sure no one else is also using this data set in their own work if it's a shared data set. You may still face issues with switching out the data set as dependent parts of the analysis will not be deleted, but they will instead stop working…
