From the course: Learning Amazon Web Services (AWS) QuickSight

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Embedding dashboards

Embedding dashboards

- [Instructor] You can embed your QuickSight dashboard in another website or application. In order to do so though, you do need to have an enterprise QuickSight account. To set up embedding, you first create your dashboards in QuickSight, and add the domains to your allowed list. You then publish the dashboards you want to embed in your app. If you're an admin for QuickSight, you can view or edit the list of approved domains. You can also set up permissions for viewers of embedded dashboards, as well as the authentication to access it. You then need to go to your application server to authenticate the users and get the embedded dashboard URL by using one of the AWS SDKs. AWS has a QuickSight embedding SDK that lets you simplify the process, which is available on MPMJS and GitHub. Within QuickSight, you can update the approved domains by navigating to the user profile, and select manage QuickSight to access our settings.…
