From the course: Learning Amazon Web Services (AWS) QuickSight

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Introducing Amazon Web Services (AWS) and QuickSight

Introducing Amazon Web Services (AWS) and QuickSight - AWS QuickSight Tutorial

From the course: Learning Amazon Web Services (AWS) QuickSight

Introducing Amazon Web Services (AWS) and QuickSight

- [Narrator] Amazon Web Services, or AWS, is a secure cloud computing platform that not only serves as a database to store your business or organizational data, but it also enables computational processes, machine learning and business analysis of this data. AWS is the single largest cloud computing platform by market share, representing around a third of the total 2020 market share. Our focus for this course is on the application within AWS called QuickSight, which Amazon introduced in 2016. QuickSight is a business data analytics tool that enables you to communicate the trends and stories in your data through interactive visualizations, ad hoc analysis, and built-in business insight tools. You can scale these insights across your organization so you can share them with a much larger business user base. If you're asking, why should I use QuickSight if I already know how to access my data in AWS, then I would encourage you to…
