From the course: IoT Foundations: Device Management

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Solution: Analyzing a device management scenario

Solution: Analyzing a device management scenario

From the course: IoT Foundations: Device Management

Solution: Analyzing a device management scenario

(dramatic music) - [Instructor] In this table, the general DM functions in the operations phase are briefly listed on the very left column. The first function device configuration can be available on both types of devices. For example, during the normal operations, we will need to configure the device for the metadata or profiles. The firmware update function is likely to happen at times on the security cameras for security and the feature upgrades due to the constrained resources such as power supply on the occupancy sensors. The occupancy detection feature is straightforward and relatively stable after deployment. This functionality is not likely to occur on them. Lastly, both devices will need to keep track of event alerts or locks. For example, the occupancy sensor needs to send occupancy events to the remote DM server, and the security camera would send the security alerts to the DM server. Also, both devices will…
