From the course: IoT Foundations: Device Management

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Device management functionalities

Device management functionalities

- Before we introduce specific standards, or platforms, for a device management, let's think about some general functionalities. These functionalities may be fully or partially implemented on the device management solution. There are different ways of thinking about the functionalities, but still, let's view them from the perspective of a device life cycle shown here, starting from the pre-deployment phase, to the decommission, or retirement, phase. Let's assume we, as an end-to-end service provider, have a number of devices that we haven't deployment yet. That's where we're now in the pre-deployment phase, where we need to do some initial configurations on the devices so that we can connect them securely later on. These configurations include the putting security credentials and policies, creating some device metadata, and so on. After that, in the post-deployment phase, when an initial connection happens from the device to a DM servicer endpoint, we need to be able to remotely…
