From the course: IoT Foundations: Device Management

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Classes of manageable devices

Classes of manageable devices

- [Instructor] We've mentioned that IoT device management involves various type of devices in terms of their hardware capabilities and network connectivity options. But why do we need to classify the manageable devices? First, the classification can help group the seemingly unlimited number of IoT devices into a manageable number of classes to enable the analysis for reusability and handling for new type of devices. It matters to M2M service providers and stakeholders in the DM solution in the IoT system. Second, classifying devices can help us access a DM solution to an IoT system, as devices being managed are the major object in the system. The assessment is multi-folded, including infrastructure assessment, security risk assessment, et cetera. Third, it can help with the design of a suitable and efficient solution. For example, we don't want to apply a DM software framework on a device with very constrained computer power and memory. Or, applying a DM protocol in a constrained…
