From the course: IoT Foundations: Device Management

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LwM2M resource model

LwM2M resource model

- [Instructor] In order to manage device data and to transfer data between LwM2M entities we need to do two things first: modeling the device Resources and making the device resource uniquely identifiable in order to access them. By the LwM2M standard, a resource is defined as a piece of information made available by the LwM2M client. Multiple Resources are logically organized into Objects. The diagram shown on the left indicates the logical relationship between resource, Object, and the LwM2M client where each client may have multiple Objects and each Object has one or more Resources. The operation of a resource can be a combination of Read or Write. For example, the Read operation is on the value as a resource such as sense of value or Firmware version. The Read and the Write operation of a resource can be the device location, which needs to be read and updated as the location of device might change. The Execute operation is used for executable Resources and exclusively regarding…
