From the course: IoT Foundations: Device Management

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LwM2M security

LwM2M security

- [Instructor] Let's look at the Lightweight M2M Security. The security features of Lightweight M2M include the authorization, authentication, confidentiality, and data integrity, for the communication between Lightweight M2M entities. From the perspective of Lightweight M2M protocol stack, DTLS provides the main security mechanism, and the transport layer for the app layer communication protocol, CoAP. Although the SMS channel security can be used if a device uses a smart card. Note that, in order to use the security features, Lightweight M2M clients need to have the credentials, and the configuration information, for secure communications with Lightweight M2M servers through a bootstrapping process. Now, let's see the essential security features. Generally, authorization is used to determine, after authentication, which servers can do what with the client's resources, and it's implemented by the access control policies. An authorization process here is required when Lightweight M2M…
