From the course: IoT Foundations: Device Management

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oneM2M device management architecture

oneM2M device management architecture

From the course: IoT Foundations: Device Management

oneM2M device management architecture

- [Instructor] We've talked about the oneM2M functional architecture where three essential oneM2M entities are mapped to three layers. The device management is supported in the common services entity in the form of common services functions called CSFs. A CSF is an informative architecture construct, which conceptually groups a number of sub-functions. OneM2M specifies several common services functions as shown here. A common services entity instance can contain a subset of these common services functions. Now, we're focusing on the device management common services function. The device management common services function provides device management capabilities on middle nodes, for example, M2M gateways, application service nodes, for example, M2M devices, and application dedicated nodes, for example, constrained M2M devices as well as devices within an M2M area network, which is in oneM2M context, an area network consisting of multiple application dedicating nodes and other types of…
