From the course: IoT Foundations: Device Management

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oneM2M security services

oneM2M security services

- To respond to the challenges imposed by the security in IoT or M2M systems, there is a need for a security framework that can work across heterogeneous platforms and key common IoT or M2M elements, such as devices, gateways and application endpoints. OneM2M sophistications include security frameworks to address these challenges. The high-level security services utilized by oneM2M applications are from the security services layer, where these services can utilize the security-related APIs provided by lower-level modular security functions. This architecture allows the involvement and the changes in specific features to be de-coupled from the high-level security functions. The security environment abstraction layer provides access to the security environments via security transport APIs and the layer can be accessed from the security services layer. The security environment is a logical entity that provides sensitive functions, operating on sensitive data, secure storage and other…
