From the course: IoT Foundations: Device Management

Using the exercise files

- [Instructor] If you have access to the exercise files for this course, you can download them to your desktop. Included with this course are a few Java projects that will walk you through the software platforms built upon the device management standards. They will help you understand the concepts introduced in this course and get some hands-on experience for building your own solutions. These projects are written in Java, and it can be compiled and run with Apache Maven across platforms, such as Windows, Linux, or Mac OSX. In this course, I will use Mac OSX with the JDK 1.A and the Maven 3.5. As well as Eclipse IDE for Java developers. I will then use a terminal to run the shell commands, Eclipse IDE to add in some source codes, and a web browser to show the web interfaces of some demos. I have included more specific instructions in the "read me" file. If you don't have access to the exercise files, that's okay, I encourage you to still follow along as we go through the course. Now let's get started.
