From the course: IoT Foundations: Device Management

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Use IBM Watson IoT Platform

Use IBM Watson IoT Platform

- [Instructor] IBM Watson IoT Platform is a fully managed, cloud-hosted service on IBM Bluemix designed to simplify the IoT development, and it provides device management capabilities. With this platform, devices are classified as managed devices and unmanaged devices. The managed devices are able to interact with the IBM Watson IoT Platform device management services using the device management protocol, which is built on top of MQTT and HTTP. The managed devices can be remotely operated to do remote reboot, factory reset, and updates on firmware images, location, diagnostic information, et cetera. I will show you how to use the Watson IoT Platform to do the firmware update. First, let's log into the IBM Watson IoT platform portal and IBM Bluemix portal with your IBM Bluemix account as we need to create the IoT platform service and a database service outside the Watson IoT platform portal, which can only be done through the Bluemix portal. To create a Watson IoT platform service we…
