From the course: Certification Prep: Professional in Human Resources (PHR)®

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Leaving the organization

Leaving the organization

- All of us have likely had those moments in our career where we really despised our jobs, but we hung in there because we needed the money. Eventually we leave those jobs for ones that satisfy more of our key drivers. HR Pros are tasked with understanding with people leave voluntarily, and determining when an involuntary departure is the best decision for the business. Voluntary terminations usually lead to an exit interview. An exit interview is a discussion with an employee who has decided to leave the organization to determine why they made this decision. This is an important step in the employee lifecycle because the interview data can help HR Pros solve other organizational problems. For example if the employee came from a department where many people have left, citing micromanagement as their biggest issue, then that manager may need leadership coaching and training. Or, say the employee indicates that they are working 60 hours a week consistently, which is impacting their…
