From the course: Certification Prep: Professional in Human Resources (PHR)®

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The selection process

The selection process

- Let's say that you find a job that seems to be perfect for you, and you're perfect for it. You update and submit your resume. Then the wait begins, and that wait seems to be forever. It may be frustrating, but as it turns out, the selection process is in place for a very good reason. The selection process begins after a candidate applies for the job. Selection of the best candidate involves extensive vetting to ensure that the candidate meets the success criteria identified when a job analysis was completed. At each stage of the selection process, the candidate pool narrows until one person is selected to fill the role. The steps in the selection process are to screen, interview, assess, evaluate, select, and offer the job. Your company may follow a slightly different process, however, what I've shared with you is HR best practice and what the PHR exam will test you on. Screening involves ensuring that applicants meet the minimum requirements to interview for the job. Screening…
