From the course: Certification Prep: Professional in Human Resources (PHR)®

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The employee life cycle

The employee life cycle

- If you've been working in HR for awhile, you know that when an employee leaves the organization there's still an employee you're responsible for. Why is that? Because the employee life cycle starts before a person officially becomes an employee and continues beyond their exit. For example after an employee leaves a company there may be tax reporting obligations or the employee may be due a final paycheck for wages or expenses. These activities all happen after the employee has left the organization. The employee life cycle has seven stages. The stages are attraction, recruitment, onboarding, development, retention, separation and alumni. The attraction stage can be referred to as sourcing. It happens before there's an open position. This is a time that the employer is promoting its value proposition to prospective employees. And either solidifying or establishing their employer brand. The recruitment stage is the stage where you're actively trying to find someone to fill an open…
