From the course: Certification Prep: Professional in Human Resources (PHR)®

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Adult learners

Adult learners

- Have you ever heard the word andragogy? I know, it's a tongue twister. It's the science of how adults learn and the basis for all learning and development best practices. First and foremost, adults need to see how training makes them more effective in their work. You can think of it as the answer to the question, what's in it for me? Malcolm Knowles, the educator who popularized the term andragogy, concluded that adults are independent, self-directed learners who draw on life experiences to reinforce learning. There are three learning styles associated with adult learners. They are auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Auditory learners retain information they hear best. Training that involves dialogue or audio presentations would be engaging for an auditory learner. Visual learners connect with training they see, so they would pay attention to non-verbal cues, charts, graphs, or other visual aids. Kinesthetic learners are hands-on. They learn when they move and physically interact…
