From the course: Certification Prep: Professional in Human Resources (PHR)®

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Diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion

- What do you think of when you hear the phrase diversity and inclusion? Race, gender, sexual orientation? Diversity and inclusion are much more than good corporate citizen buzzwords. Diversity should be viewed strategically because having a diverse workforce creates greater potential for creativity, and innovation. And that leads to increased revenue. And what business leader can argue with making more money? Watch what happens with this company's product offerings when they embrace diversity and inclusion as a strategy rather than just a legal mandate. - Tiffany those were some interesting ideas the Pride group came up with, don't you think? - Definitely. Where are you with trying them? - Well the one idea that I really liked was the idea of partnering with local businesses in Hillsboro. I think that we could teach them how to showcase their products using social media. - Hmm, yeah I really like that idea. How would it work exactly? - Well we could offer local workshops to…
