From the course: Certification Prep: Professional in Human Resources (PHR)®

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Training design

Training design

- Have you ever asked yourself why you do the work that you do? I mean besides a steady paycheck. Understanding your motivation and the motivation of employees is central to how you approach training and development in your organization, this is why you should become well versed in motivation theories as you prepare for your PHR exam. There are several motivation theories you should understand ranging from scientific to psychological. Frederick Taylor introduced scientific management, his theory was that there was one best way to do a job efficiently and he placed no value in the needs of employees. Elton Mayo tested Taylor's theory and found that when management paid attention to human needs, workers performed better, this became known as the Hawthorne Effect. Next, the Job Characteristics Model states that employee motivation is linked to the task itself rather than any internal or external factors. It identifies five core job characteristics, they are skill variety, task identity…
