From the course: Certification Prep: Professional in Human Resources (PHR)®

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Employee engagement

Employee engagement

- Often leaders think that if employees aren't leaving they must be engaged, however retention is very different from engagement. Employee engagement is a measurement of an employees involvement, satisfaction, happiness and loyalty with their work. Engaged employees take pride in their organization, enjoy and believe in their work and understand how what they do is linked to the organization's mission, they routinely go the extra mile to contribute to the company's success. These engaged employees may also stay but they stay for what they get from their employer like job security, in both cases employees are retained but the work effort differs greatly. In a 2016 research study conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management effectively managing human capital was noted by leadership as the top priority for their company achieving financial success. Effective human capital management involves ensuring that employees retain a high level of engagement. With such tremendous focus…
