From the course: Certification Prep: Professional in Human Resources (PHR)®

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The future of the HR profession

The future of the HR profession

- Getting your HR certification can be a career game-changer, setting you light years ahead of the competition for HR jobs. In a research study done by, in every HR role, certified HR pros were promoted at significantly higher rates and earn more money than those without certification. For example, 63% of certified HR assistants were promoted within five years, as compared to only 34% of non-certified HR assistants. On the other end of the spectrum, 11% of certified HR directors were promoted within five years, as opposed to only 5% of non-certified HR directors. When taking all HR roles in the study into consideration, HR pros with certification earned about $20,000 more than non-certified HR pros. As you can see, you've already made a great choice by deciding to pursue HR certification. It truly does pay off. Now it's matter of figuring out which direction you would like to take your HR career, so let's talk about some possibilities. In the private sector, some HR roles…
