From the course: Certification Prep: Professional in Human Resources (PHR)®

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Using big data to tell a story

Using big data to tell a story

- Whether it's Little Red Riding Hood or The Lord of the Rings, most people enjoy a good story. This is why storytelling is such an effective tool for condensing large amounts of data into something actionable, and today's organizations are flooded with data everywhere. In the HR space, some of the data we collect include turnover, time to fill open positions, number of grievances, number of harassment complaints, total compensation, and much more. Business leaders are putting increasing pressure on HR to leverage this data to make business cases for why a company should or should not be doing something people-related. For example, increasing training budgets or changing where jobs are being advertised. These are all examples of ways to use predictive analytics. This means using data gathered from the company to create models or analyze statistics to make predictions about unknown future events. Using predictive analytics in this manner also helps HR pros better position ourselves as…
