From the course: Adobe Acrobat DC: PDF Commenting for AEC

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Sorting comments by color

Sorting comments by color

- [Instructor] Sort comments by color in Acrobat is a wonderful feature, but it does have some quirks that you should be aware of. I want to highlight four different areas of this drawing. Each of the four bathrooms. I'll make a legend down here, and type the names of each one of the bathrooms. I'll have the manager's bathroom, and then the executive washroom, and then the ladies room, and then the men's room. I'll give them each a different color. And now I'll highlight the corresponding spaces. The first one is the manager's bathroom. I need to make sure that the color matches the legend. In this case, it's yellow. I also want to decrease the opacity. And make current properties default. Next is the executive washroom. All I need to do is change the color to green. Next is the ladies room, and you know it's the ladies room because there are more stalls. And finally, the men's room. Excellent, so I've got four colors, yellow, green, pink and blue. I want to sort these by color. And…
