From the course: Adobe Acrobat DC: PDF Commenting for AEC

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Track comments

Track comments

- [Instructor] If you have multiple PDF documents out for review being reviewed by multiple reviewers it can get easy to lose track of all of that. So Acrobat has a helpful way to assist with this. It's called Track Comments. Any time that you send for a shared commenting or sent for comments by email the PDFs will show up here in Tracker. Here on the left, you can see that I have sent one document out for review. And I have joined a document review that someone else has invited me to. In this case, both of these reviews were sent out by an email attachment. As you can see here. If you've sent a PDF out for a shared review using your own network server a web dev server or a Microsoft share point server you'll also have an additional option here to set and change deadlines. Tracker is a great way to keep track of the status of all the reviews that you have going on in your team.
