From the course: Adobe Acrobat DC: PDF Commenting for AEC

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Send for Shared Commenting

Send for Shared Commenting

- [Instructor] Send for shared commenting is the next option in the ways to send for comments. If you have the need to have multiple people viewing comments at the same time and working on the PDF, commenting on it at the same time this is something that you might want to consider. If you distribute a PDF using your own server location you can specify a network folder a Windows server running Microsoft SharePoint services or a web server folder. Participants must have read and write access to the server you specify. Ask your network administrator to provide a suitable server location for storing comments. No additional software is required to set up this server. Again, the primary benefit of this is that reviewers can see and reply to each other's comments in Adobe Acrobat or Reader as they are made. If you want some additional help setting up a SharePoint server you can refer to Linkedin Learning. There are a wide variety of courses here that can help you become more adept at using…
