From the course: Adobe Acrobat DC: PDF Commenting for AEC

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Commenting within Dropbox: A cautionary warning

Commenting within Dropbox: A cautionary warning - Adobe Acrobat Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Acrobat DC: PDF Commenting for AEC

Commenting within Dropbox: A cautionary warning

- [Instructor] Sometimes when sharing .pdf files with people, they might not be a member of a Dropbox shared folder. If I just need them to review a single document, I'd prefer not to clutter up their Dropbox and simply send them a link to the file in Dropbox which they can open up in a web browser. I ask them to download the file, add their comments, and send it back to me. But Dropbox has added the ability to make comments right within the web browser. But beware. Let's take a look and see how Dropbox commenting behaves so that you can be aware of how it may affect your workflow. So, I'm going to pretend that I'm in the client. I've received an email. Oh, look. Please review this document. Well, that's easy. I simply click on it. So here I am in a web browser. The .pdf has opened right in Dropbox. Well, that seems pretty convenient. Oh, look. It wants me to write a comment. Okay. And Kelly Vaughn will be notified. So, I'll start to type a comment. Very nice. Post. Where does the…
