From the course: Adobe Acrobat DC: PDF Commenting for AEC

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Working with the navigation pane, toolbar, and Quick Tools

Working with the navigation pane, toolbar, and Quick Tools - Adobe Acrobat Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Acrobat DC: PDF Commenting for AEC

Working with the navigation pane, toolbar, and Quick Tools

- [Woman] In this video, I'll demonstrate how to use the navigation panes on the left hand side, the tools on the right hand side, and the tool bar at the top. This video will be in Acrobat DC. If you're using Acrobat 11, I'll have a separate video demonstrating how to customize your tools in that version. Over on the left-hand side is the navigation pane. There is three icons that are always going to be present in your PDF. Page thumbnails, bookmarks, and attachments. Sometimes there'll be other icons also showing. In this case it's the layers icon because this particular PDF has got layers. There's a whole assortment of other icons, if you right-click on the navigation pane, you'll see a variety of other functions that are available in your PDF. At any time, if you want to add or remove icons you can simply right-click and choose reset panes. If you want to hide the navigation pane so it stays out of your way, you can just click the little gray divider bar. Over on the right-hand…
