From the course: Adobe Acrobat DC: PDF Commenting for AEC

Why you should use the commenting tools - Adobe Acrobat Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Acrobat DC: PDF Commenting for AEC

Why you should use the commenting tools

- [Instructor] The main reason I really appreciate PDF commenting is that it allows me, as a reviewer, to keep my comments about a document exactly in context in the PDF. Here's an example of an old-school solution that I was shown recently. This is a document review form I was presented with recently. It was referencing a large engineering drawing. This work flow required the reviewers to type in the description of the location of the comment on one column and in the second column, the actual comment itself. So all of the comments regarding the drawing were totally removed from the drawing itself and they were presented in a separate document. So it was a time-consuming and potentially error-prone workflow. Here's an example of why I like commenting and how I would use it in my documents. This is a draft I sent to a client and I had a specific question about a specific bit of text. At some point, this was made all caps and I'm not sure why. Do you still want it in all caps? I'm able to put this comment exactly next to the very paragraph that it pertains to and the client is able to answer me in context. Now, I'll show you a PDF that was hand-marked up and how I will translate all those hand-markup comments into real, live PDF comments. First, I'll use the text replacement tool. But this is a scanned page so I get an alert. This page contains only an image. Would you like to run text recognition to make the text on this page accessible? Yes. Now, I can choose my text replacement tool and highlight the associated text and replace it. Acrobat usually does a pretty good job of optical character recognition but it doesn't always get it quite right as far as the placement. So when you're using text markups on a scanned document, just be sure to check it against the original hand markups to make sure that it's correct. Be sure to click post. I also need to add a period right here so I'll use the insert text at cursor tool. For this last comment, I actually need to add some text. So I'll choose the add text comment tool. Now all of my comments are listed here in the comments pane on the right-hand side. Again, this is one of the reasons I love PDF commenting so much. If you've ever had to incorporate changes from someone else and then they've reviewed them and sent them back to you because you missed some, now you can help reduce that error-prone process because once you've incorporated a change, you can simply check it off your list. And that way, you won't miss any. So these are just some of the reasons that I love PDF commenting so much. It lets you keep your comments in context and helps reduce this human error. I highly encourage you to incorporate PDF commenting into your workflow as much as possible.
