From the course: Adobe Acrobat DC: PDF Commenting for AEC

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- [Kelly] Thanks for joining me in learning more about some of the possibilities of PDF commenting. My aim in this course was to introduce PDF commenting in a fun and friendly way so as to help you and your team better organize and communicate critical information in and about your PDF documents. I hope you had fun exploring these tool's fundamental capabilities as well as got some new ideas for using PDF comments in ways that perhaps you hadn't considered before. PDF commenting is a tool and like any great tool, it should be able to help you accomplish more faster and with greater ease and accuracy. If you'd like to learn more about PDF commenting I encourage you to visit my blog where I have a variety of articles about PDFs and PDF commenting. The Adobe Acrobat forums are also a great resource and a great place to find answers. As well as developers who can create custom solutions if you have unique PDF commenting needs. If you have additional questions…
