From the course: Adobe Acrobat DC: PDF Commenting for AEC

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Vector PDFs with searchable text

Vector PDFs with searchable text

- [Instructor] Vector PDFs are non-scanned PDFs that originate from a computer program. In this case, they came from Fusion 360. Depending upon the original application that was used to create the PDF it can contain a variety of useful metadata such as author name, title, and keywords. Vector PDFs will generally contain the original digital quality vector graphics that were available in the native application that created them. This means that all vector objects including the lines, logos, and fonts will be in the PDF as fully scalable and will print crisply. Because the fonts are still live in a vector PDF the various fonts will be listed in the document properties dialog box. Having the fonts listed in this dialog box is key to making sure that PDF can be searchable by Acrobat. Fully searchable vector PDFs are my very favorite type of PDF file and they're the kind I always encourage my clients to give me. Whenever possible, these are the kind of PDF that you should try to obtain…
