From the course: Adobe Acrobat DC: PDF Commenting for AEC

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Using the measuring tools

Using the measuring tools

- [Instructor] The ability to measure objects within a PDF, is one of the lesser known functions of Acrobat. I've met a number of engineers who either didn't know that the capability existed or they knew about it, but they didn't know how to use it and so the units of measurement always came out incorrect. In this video, I'll be demonstrating, how you can successfully use the measuring tool, within Adobe Acrobat. If your measuring tool isn't already visible, you can search for it over here in the tools panel. So let's just start by trying to measure something. So, according to my measurement, the distance here is 3.83 inches, but I know that's wrong because right here, it says, 11 and a half, so I need to fix the unit of measurement. So I'll delete that, there are two places that you need to make sure match, when you're setting your scale ratio. The first is over here on the right, scale ratio one inch equals one inch. This is the setting for Acrobat. Over here, somewhere in your…
