From the course: Adobe Acrobat DC: PDF Commenting for AEC


- [Kelly] Adobe Acrobat is one of the industry standard resources for reviewing and marking up PDFs. Because Acrobat is so rich with features, knowing how to fully utilize them will help you work and communicate more efficiently and effectively, helping you to become an even more valuable member of your team. My name is Kelly Vaughn and I have worked as a technical communicator and document designer for over 15 years. I've worked on projects ranging from waste water treatment plans and theme park ride maintenance to aquarium park filtration systems and even custom yachts. My specialty is working with engineers to create user-friendly, accurate, and attractive technical documentation. This foundational course will teach you everything you need to know to successfully comment on a variety of PDFs such as drawings, instructional manuals, and even 3D models. So let's get started. Grab your favorite technical spec sheets, floor plans and wiring diagrams and let's have some fun.
