From the course: Microsoft Office Add-Ins for Developers

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Sideload your add-in on the web

Sideload your add-in on the web

- [Instructor] Now there's a bit of behavior you get in this Starter Add-in. We've got a run button down here, so if I type some text here, and select it, you see when I click on run, it makes it turn red, so let's see how that works. I can navigate to this file index dot t s, this is a Type Script file, so Type Script is a version of Java Script really that, has a lot of the future capabilities of the Java Script language, but makes it available now by compiling into native Java Script, from the Type Script language, and we can see here some extra features, of language features that we don't have in Java Script, currently widely supported version of Java Script, such as on line 18, we have the async function, and there's an await on line 31, so async await. You may remember that we used a slightly different asynchronous pattern in the code we used earlier in the course, and also, on line 19, I've got a lambda expression, this is also a feature that will probably come to Java Script…
