From the course: Microsoft Office Add-Ins for Developers

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The Angular framework

The Angular framework

- [Instructor] Now, why do we need JavaScript frameworks? Well, strictly speaking, we don't. We could have user interface elements and bind them to events that get fired and keep everything consistent on a page as users click around, perhaps with jQuery, or even with native JavaScript. But once you get beyond the most trivial applications, this becomes very difficult to manage with lots of spaghetti code that is brittle and difficult to maintain. That's why most people use JavaScript frameworks for complex client-side development, and we're going to quickly look at three of the most popular ones. Angular has been very popular because you really get everything you need in one package, although you do have to do things the Angular way. If you want to build a single-page application, and you like the MVC Router-type architecture, then Angular is really all you need. Let's see what our add-in looks like with Angular.
