From the course: Microsoft Office Add-Ins for Developers

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Create an add-in with Yeoman

Create an add-in with Yeoman

- [Instructor] Great, we've got everything installed. Let's see the Yeoman Generator in action. I'm gonna create a sub-directory, let's call it demo one. And then I can run the Office Yeoman Generator. So I just type yo office and we get some wonderful old school ASCII art which is now very much fashionable again. And we get a series of options about what we want to create. So we're going to create an Office project. It'll be a task pane add-in for Word using jQuery. And it says do we want to use TypeScript or JavaScript? Let's use TypeScript. I get a choice of what to name the add-in, so I'll let it take the default there. And now I get to choose which of the Office applications I want to support with this task pane added. Now I get a choice of Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, also Project and Word here, because those all support task pane add-ins. So I need to select Word and it is now already created the directory structure and all the files, the scaffolding step is completed…
