From the course: Microsoft Office Add-Ins for Developers

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Introduction to Outlook add-ins

Introduction to Outlook add-ins

- [Narrator] When we look at Office applications, Outlook always seems as though it is slightly the odd man out. It doesn't work quite the same as other apps, and the same is true for add-ins. You can think of Outlook as being the client for Microsoft Exchange Server, so it's coming from a different group inside Microsoft. To a lot of people, Outlook is the central hub of their working day. And although we may well see over the next few years that Microsoft's teams will start to challenge this role, Outlook is going to be a big part of people's working lives for a long time to come. This is also reflected in the Object Model in the way add-ins work. A lot of an Outlook add-in will revolve around messages which behave somewhat differently to documents. Another interesting point about Outlook add-ins is that they have very good cross-platform support, including Outlook on mobile devices running IOS and Android. In this respect the other office applications are playing catch-up. The…
