From the course: Microsoft Office Add-Ins for Developers

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- [Lecturer] We already looked at PowerPoint in an earlier module. The structure of a PowerPoint deck is very simple. It's just a container with a series of slides, and those slides contain text, images and graphics objects. You work on the current slide and if you need it, you can just move through the deck to select the slide you need to work on. We can use the generic shared Office API to work with PowerPoint content. There isn't anything equivalent to the host specific Word, Excel or OneNote APIs, at least not yet. Here is an example of adding an image to the document which we're going to see in the sample. This is using a simple JavaScript asynchronous callback pattern, and because the APIs are generic in the sense that they work with all the Office applications, we have to use coercion types to marshal these loosely typed objects. A similar approach can be used to our text. Now, we have Script Lab available for PowerPoint, so I'm going to open PowerPoint, I'm going to choose a…
