From the course: Microsoft Office Add-Ins for Developers

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Updating your add-in

Updating your add-in

- [Instructor] Sooner or later you'll want to update an Add-In that's already been deployed. There's nothing stopping you updating your back end web application at any time of course, although you probably wouldn't want to make a change that totally altered the behavior of the Add-In. At best it would just annoy your users and at worst it could result in your Add-In being removed from the store. You only need to go back to the app catalog or the store if your manifest has changed. If you do update the manifest in the store you need to go through the approval process again. To update an Add-In in the app catalog or centralized deployment you just need to upload a new version. Let's go back into this Reactor Add-In and I can edit a draft submission that we've already started And here you get a page that's very similar to the initial Add-In app dialogue when we created the app in the first place, but now we get to update it.
