From the course: Microsoft Office Add-Ins for Developers

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Explore glossary add-in code

Explore glossary add-in code

- [Instructor] Let's first look at that manifest file. The icons themselves haven't changed as far as the names are concerned, but we have substituted the actual icons that we want to use. But we could, of course, rename them, as well. But I have updated them from the generic items that we get with the template project. I've also changed some of the text messages and the name of the button in the ribbon. So, if I scroll down here to the bottom of the file to this Resources section that starts at line 120, you can see that some of these strings actually make sense now, they're not the, sort of, the generic start your add-in message. It actually says automatically generate a glossary for your document, show glossary, click to show glossary tool. This is the, sort of, start up pane that comes up when you first install the add-in, so it says go to the Home tab and click the Generate Glossary button to get started. Now, if I go to index.html and index.ts, you can see that these files…
