From the course: Microsoft Office Add-Ins for Developers

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Publishing to the App Catalog

Publishing to the App Catalog

- [Instructor] As well as using a network share, we can also deploy Add-Ins to the App Catalog. The App Catalog is really just a SharePoint site with a document library that contains the Manifest files for each installed Add-In. And if you're wondering why it's called the App Catalog, well, App was the old name for Add-Ins. Now for Excel, Word, and PowerPoint, these would go into the App Catalog, but in the case of Outlook, the backend is exchange, and so that's where the Add-In Manifests go. And of course, for all of these Add-Ins, somewhere there's the HTML, JavaScript, and CSS in a website. And that could be external or on-premises. But the App Catalog or the Exchange Server might be on-premises or in the cloud. I'm gonna go to Office 365 where I have a tenant, and I'm going to go to the Admin center. And if I expand this left hand navigation pane, at the bottom there's a separate section of Admin centers which takes us off to Exchange, and SharePoint, and Teams, and OneDrive, and…
