From the course: Microsoft Office Add-Ins for Developers

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Add-in web projects

Add-in web projects

- Now let's look at the web project. In this started template for the PowerPoint content add-in it's really just a static site. We've got some folders here for the content which contains some CSS files. So the designers of the template have very helpfully loaded things like the Office UI Fabric and jQuery. Office UI Fabric is just a CSS and JavaScript library to make it easy to get the look and feel of an Office application with minimal effort. Think of it as a sort of bootstrap built especially for Office applications. But you might also have used it for modern SharePoint pages if you're a SharePoint developer. We'll talk more about Office UI Fabric in a later module. If I go up to the Home folder, this is where I can see I've got my Home HTML file. And this has got references to all the various libraries that we're going to use. And a bit further down we can see we have a button here on line 34 and we have a message banner component on line 45. And it's perhaps a little bit more…
