[go: up one dir, main page]

As festive shoppers deck the halls earlier each year, putting their bargain detective hats on in search of products that provide the best value for each dollar spent, marketers have had to change the way they think about reaching these savvy shoppers. Because while a shopper's first interaction with a product, the First Moment of Truth (FMOT), used to occur when that person saw a product on the store shelf for the first time, the advent of the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) -- the online moment at which a person first develops an opinion about a brand, prior to encountering it in the physical world -- is changing the way marketers think about the digital path-to-purchase.

In turn, the Shopper Marketing Agencies (SMAs) that work closely with marketers to capture mind and market share during each holiday shopping season and beyond have been working hard -- using rich data and deep understanding and insights -- to help companies evolve their digital marketing strategies to 'win' this newly defined and important moment in time. They are a vital part of a vital marketing transformation, which has changed the game for modern marketers.

We've always valued our relationship with these SMAs -- but it occurred to us, as this uber-busy season approached, that it would benefit consumers, advertisers and SMAs alike to work even more closely together, delving deeply into understanding the ZMOT model as applied to shopper marketing and digital brand activation along the path to purchase.

To do this, we formed The Google Shopper Marketing Agency Council. This group is comprised of leading SMAs, including Arc WW, DraftFCB, Integer, Mars, Momentum, RPM Connect, Saatchi & Saatchi X, Shopper Sciences, ShopWork, The Marketing Arm, Triad Media, TracyLocke, and Upshot -- and its goal is to advance understanding of how online and offline behavior drives purchase consideration and decision-making, and to overcome the challenges related to communicating this transformation.

We're looking for this group of marketing innovators to help guide the way Google engages and partners with SMAs and the industry in general, and are sure it will help us better support SMAs in search of the best way to help their clients' brands win the ZMOT. Stay tuned for news and updates!

Google’s Dan Taylor presents at Digiday Agency event Dec. 12, 2011

Resolution # 1: I will be strategic in how I use remarketing

Remarketing is like plugging a leaky bucket, where the leak is website visitors leaving your site, and the plug is display ads that bring past visitors back to your site.

There are many ways to ‘plug’ the leak, but we offer up the follow strategies to be the most effective in doing so.
  • Target based on audience: Layering demographic targeting on top of remarketing campaigns can help you tailor the message even more. For example, have one message for men, and a different one for women.
  • Target based on intent: You can send a general message to homepage visitors and product-oriented reminders to visitors that browsed product pages but didn’t make a purchase. Using a creative with dynamically related products is a great way to do this.
  • Expand your list sources: Some of our most effective remarketing customers use several sources to get their lists, such as YouTube mastheads and channels, their main website and campaign landing pages. Expanding the lists enables you to reach more potential customers. 
Resolution # 2: I will use video to its full potential 

Video is a great way to reach customers, yet it is often underutilized. Here are the best ways to use video to its fullest potential.  
  • With the latest changes to the YouTube homepage, we’ve pivoted the YouTube site experience to focus on channels and a socially-driven feed, the contents of which are controlled by the left hand sidebar. This gives marketers a powerful opportunity to enhance their brand exposure.
  • Through the new AdWords for video front end, we’ve drastically reduced the time it takes to create a video. Easily run click-to-play or TrueView in-display formats across Google Display Network.
  • We’ve also found that rich media, in tandem with video, is more effective than simple Flash. When you’re running rich media campaigns, think about including video to increase purchase intent.
Resolution # 3: I will fuse social media with display

Making display ads social increases the conversation with your customers. Here are some ways that this can be accomplished:
  • Make social media a primary destination: Try linking Trueview ads back to a similarly branded channel for a great social experience.
  • Social interactions within the banner: Actually having users interact with the banner (by playing a game, watching videos, etc.) and then having them share their experiences through social media continues the conversation.
  • Bring social media endorsements in the banner:  This is becoming more popular, and is a great way for friends to share recommendations.
Resolution # 4: I will go mobile with my display campaigns 

Just as users are now moving more and more to a multi-screen experience via desktop, mobile, and display, so must marketers think about a display strategy that isn’t siloed.
  • Tablet targeting: Users expect more from tablet ads and are increasingly using these for online shopping. We support tablet targeting including zeroing in on tablet audiences by device, location, time of day and contextually.
  • Get smarter with smartphone targeting: Finding what’s right for your business is key here. With so many format options to choose from that are specific to mobile devices (click to video, click to map, click to call) it’s worth it to think what could be the most effective for your business.
Resolution #5: There’s a perfect ad for everyone.

It’s really the biggest resolution we’re focused on at Google that encompasses all the other ones and it’s adopting the philosophy that ‘There’s a perfect ad for everyone.’

Our recipe for the perfect ad for everyone is driven by simplicity and also by the technology that’s enabling us to customize the advertising experience for everyone at scale.

There’s a simple recipe to the perfect ad: The right person + the right message + the right time + the right context = the perfect ad.

What are your new year’s resolutions for your business? Let us know by tweeting @GoogleDisplay.

At last Thursday’s webinar on Goals, we we explored one of the most fundamental analytics topics: how to translate your business objectives into measurable actions on your website. You sent in your questions, and we heard from many users that you want more guidance on turning all that data into insights.

Please read on for answers to your top questions, and watch the recording of the webinar here:

Each day, people watch more than 3 billion videos on YouTube - the equivalent of every American watching about 9 videos a day. U.S. online consumers now spend as much time online as they spend watching TV. With the consumer shift to online media consumption, many of our marketing partners wonder how online video ads measure against traditional TV ads. Do traditional and new media ads complement each other? Which format drives recall most effectively?

To get answers, we partnered with Ipsos to measure the relative and combined effects of YouTube in-stream ads and TV ads on ad recall and brand metrics across six advertiser campaigns.

After conducting tests of 15- and 30-second spots on YouTube pre-roll instream ads and TV ads, the results revealed that YouTube and TV ads work better together. People who watched both YouTube and TV ads showed a 2X increase in brand recall than people who only saw TV ads. Those that only watched a YouTube ad had a brand recall rate 1.5X those who only watched a TV ad.

Hotels.com, one of the advertisers that participated in the study, uses YouTube video ads to drive incremental reach for TV campaigns. “Our customers are online today, so it only makes sense for e-commerce brands like Hotels.com to find entertaining and engaging online formats to interact with our audience” says Vic Walia, senior director of brand marketing for Hotels.com. “YouTube video ads is a great distribution vehicle for us to efficiently maximize our reach, but the fact that is has the added impact of improving our overall ad recall metrics is a tremendous win.”

This study comes on the heels of our multi-screen research, which found that brand recall jumps dramatically for consumers shown ads across all screens - TV, PC, smartphone and tablet devices. As more people consume media across multiple devices, having a multi-channel campaign strategy helps reach consumers at different points throughout the day.

To learn more about our study, download the infographic and slides from Think Insights or check out our video. And, when planning your media buys, consider using a combination of YouTube ads and TV ads to help you achieve higher ad recall than TV ads alone. You can find out more information about YouTube video ads here.

Posted by Lizzy Van Alstine & Christina Park, Google Research and Marketing

Is your client's website performing as well as it could be? Do you want to get more out of your digital marketing campaigns, including AdWords and other digital media? Do you feel like you have gaps in your current Google Analytics setup?

We’ve heard from many of our users who want to go deeper into their Analytics -- with so much data, it can be hard to know where to look first. If you’d like to move beyond standard “pageview” metrics and visitor statistics, then please join us next Thursday:

Webinar: Reaching Your Goals with Analytics
Date: Thursday, December 1

Time: 11am PST / 2pm EST

Sign up here!

During the webinar, we’ll cover:

    •    Key questions to ask for richer insights from your data
    •    How to define “success” (for websites, visitors, or campaigns)
    •    How to set up and use Goals
    •    How to set up and use Ecommerce (for websites with a shopping cart)
    •    How to link AdWords to your Google Analytics account

Whatever your online business model -- shopping, lead-generation, or pure content -- these tools will deliver actionable insights into your buying cycle.

This webinar will be led by Joe Larkin, a technical specialist on the Google Analytics team, and it’s designed for intermediate users of Google Analytics. If you’re comfortable with the basics, but you’d like to do more with your data, then we hope you’ll join us next week!

Posted by Sara Jablon Moked, Google Analytics team

As savvy brand advertisers and marketers, you are most likely using YouTube Promoted Videos and in-stream ads to reach your audiences online, but are you reaching viewers on the go? Over 50 percent of mobile device users enjoy viewing video content on their web-enabled smartphones, and YouTube is the #1 video site visited by people on the move. Are your online video ads optimized to reach these mobile usersHop over to our AdWords blog to learn more about using mobile video ads.

Posted by Nicky Crane, Product Manager.

AdWords Editor version 9.7.1 is now available for Windows and Mac. This new version includes performance improvements and several new options for editing and targeting your campaigns. A few highlights:

    •    Faster downloading for large accounts, and faster cut, copy, and paste (including drag-and-drop).
    •    A new tool for changing the capitalization of selected text in one step.
    •    More AdWords settings available within AdWords Editor, including advanced location settings, user interest category targeting, and Wifi traffic targeting.

For a complete list of changes and instructions, visit our release notes.

If you're already using AdWords Editor, you'll be prompted to upgrade automatically. If you're not already using AdWords Editor, you can visit our website and click "Download AdWords Editor." To learn more about AdWords Editor, visit our Help Center.

As you may already know, last Monday we announced Google+ Pages for businesses, a collection of tools and products to help clients get closer to customers. We’re offering two awesome opportunities for you to learn more about getting your business on Google+:

Wednesday: Learn with Google Webinar: Getting Your Business on Google+

Wednesday November 16, 2pm ET. Register here.
Join our live webinar hosted by Google+ experts to learn more about how you can bring your company and customers closer together using Google+. Key topics that'll be covered include:
    •    Setting up a Google+ Page for your business
    •    Best practices and early use cases for using Google+
    •    Promoting your Google+ Page
    •    Improving the performance of your ads with +1 annotations

Thursday: Help Desk Hangouts
Thursday November 17, 12pm - 3pm ET. Visit our Google+ Your Business page.
Still have questions? Talk face-to-face with a Google+ expert using our group video chat product, Hangouts. Learn technical tips, content strategies, and potential use cases for your business.

Check out how Zen Bikes uses Google Plus in this awesome video!

Quick pop quiz:
1. Based on search history, consumer demand for pretzels peaks in what month of the year?
2. How much (in $) does search add to the world’s GDP?
3. In 2011, what percent of people dreamed and brainstormed about their next vacation?
4. What percent of the daily queries on Google.com have never been seen before?

These are just a few questions that can be answered* on the new Think Insights with Google, our information and resource hub for marketers and agencies. The site is fresh out of beta and sporting a playful new look, helpful tools, more studies, the latest trends and exciting videos. We invite you to visit the site, take a look around and see what’s new.

While you’re there, check out our new Real-Time Insight Finder - centralized access to our insights tools that can support you in your planning process. For example, it’s not surprising that more people search for diets in January than December, but do you have any idea how big the difference really is? And how is it trending from last year? Spot the trend in minutes to inform your next media strategy, brand positioning or just to look smart in your next client meeting.

Although we’ve made a lot of enhancements to Think Insights based on initial user feedback, we’re always trying to iterate and improve. So please don’t be shy! Join the conversation by adding the Think with Google page on Google+ to one of your circles.

Think Insights is forward-thinking and rooted in data. We hope you’ll use it as a one-stop shop for consumer trends, marketing insights and industry research.

*Answers to pop quiz (they can all be found on Think Insights in less than 60 seconds):
December, Real Time Insights Finder Tool
$540 billion directly to global GDP, The Impact of Internet Technologies: Search Study, Jul 2011
50%, 5 Stages of Travel Interactive Infographic
16%, Search Fact & Stat

In 2009, we launched the DoubleClick Ad Exchange as a way to simplify the process of buying and selling display advertising, drive performance for our advertiser and publisher partners, and open up the display marketplace. In the two years since, exchange-based trading has taken off -- we’ve seen the volume of trades on our own exchange grow by more than 150% in the past year. At the same time, display, as a medium, has evolved.

Display started as just banner ads on websites, but has grown to include a range of formats as diverse as the web itself -- rich media ads that bring a page to life, in-stream ads that play before your favorite online video, and ads that run in the mobile version of your daily newspaper. To reflect this growing diversity, we have been expanding the types of formats in the Exchange. We support the most popular types of rich media ads, including units that run in-page with video, or expand when you click or mouse over them. It’s also possible to buy ads across the mobile web. Earlier this year, we announced that in-stream video formats were coming to the Exchange, and we’ve seen huge demand since launch: the number of buyers for in-stream video has tripled over the past quarter.

Today, we are announcing another step forward -- in the coming weeks, AdMob developers will be able to make their in-app inventory available on the DoubleClick Ad Exchange. Initially, a small number of pre-qualified buyers will be able to compete for this inventory. Over time, we'll be rolling it out more broadly. Ultimately, this will give app developers and publishers access to a wider pool of buyers like demand-side platforms and agency trading desks, improving their potential returns, and helping grow the overall mobile web economy. And marketers on our Exchange will be able to buy, in real time, ads that run inside people’s favorite mobile games, news apps and more. With this important addition, the DoubleClick Ad Exchange will be truly cross-format...and will become the first exchange to support this full range of ad formats.

VivaKi, one of our key partners on the Exchange, is gearing up to start buying in-app ads on the Exchange. “We are delighted to be working with Google as they open up the DoubleClick Ad Exchange to include AdMob in-app inventory, and to deliver this opportunity to our clients,” says Kurt Unkel, Senior Vice President, VivaKi Nerve Center. “We anticipate this experience will help us bring mobile to scale to our partners, and will provide insight into the operational elements and the creative assets that work best in this environment.”

A cross-format exchange is just one of the ways we’re looking to simplify the process of buying and selling display advertising, but one we think will create tremendous value for advertisers and publishers. We will continue to work with our partners to help them get the most out of what the evolving display market has to offer -- today, tomorrow, and in the years ahead.

Posted by -- Chip Hall, Director, DoubleClick Ad Exchange

Since the initial launch of Google+ just a few months ago, we’ve welcomed over 40 million people and introduced more than 100 new features. For all these people, one important part is still missing - your client's business.

We want to help your clients make the same kinds of lasting connections with customers online the way you can in real life. That’s why we are introducing Google+ Your Business, a collection of tools and products to help your clients get closer to your customers. At the heart of this is Google+ Pages, your business’s identity on Google+.

We've begun to dabble into some of the great features for Google+ Business on some of our own pages.

Google+ Pages: Have real conversations with the right people

To get your client's business on Google+, you first need to create a Google+ Page. On your page, you can post updates and news about your business, engage in conversations with your customers, send tailored messages to specific groups of people, and see how many +1’s you have across the web. Here are a few features of Google+ Pages that we think will help you build relationships:
Google+ Pages are at the heart of Google+ for Business
Sometimes you might want to chat with your customers face-to-face. For example, if you run a bookstore, you may want to invite an author to talk about her latest novel, or if you market a cosmetics line, beauty specialists might want to hold how-to sessions for makeup tips. Hangouts make this easy, by letting you have high-quality video chats with nine customers, with a single click. You can use Hangouts to get product feedback, help solve problems or simply get to know people better, all in real time.

Hangouts let you meet your customers, face to face
Circles allow you to group followers of your Page into smaller audiences. You can then share specific messages with specific groups. For example, you could create a Circle containing people who are your most loyal customers and offer them a special discount.

+1 button and Google+ badge: Inspire current customers to recommend new ones
Google+ Pages also help you deliver your great content to users in a way that’s easy to share with their friends. We introduced the +1 button as a way for your customers to recommend your business across the web - on Google search, in your ads, on sites across the web and on mobile devices. Now, your customers can +1 your Page, recommending your actual brand -- not just an individual ad or a site -- directly to their friends.

To help your customers find your page and start sharing, we have two buttons you can add to your site by visiting our Google+ badge configuration tool:

The Google+ icon is a small icon that directly links to your Page.

In the coming days, we’re introducing the Google+ badge, which lets people add your page to their circles, without leaving your site, to start getting updates from your business via Google+.

Make your +1’s count, improving the performance of your ads

Coming soon, we will also make it possible to link your Page to your AdWords campaigns for your site, so that all your +1s -- from your Page, your website, ads and search results -- will get tallied together and appear as a single total.

Your +1’s will be shown with your brand wherever it appears, including search, ads, Google+ and your website
Consumers will be able to see all the recommendations your business has received, whether they are looking at an ad, a search result or your page, meaning your +1’s will reach not only the 40 million users of Google+, but all the people who come to Google every day. In the coming days. you'll be able to link your page to your AdWords campaigns by following the instructions in the AdWords Help Center.

You can link your Google+ Page to your AdWords account with Social Extensions. Social Extensions are available in the ad extensions tab in your AdWords account.
Bringing Google+ to the rest of Google
Our ultimate vision for Google+ is to transform the overall Google experience-- weaving identity and sharing into all of our products. Beginning today, we’re rolling out a new experimental feature, Direct Connect -- an easy way for your customers to find your Google+ Page on Google search. For eligible pages, when someone searches for your business with the ‘+’ sign before it Direct Connect will send them directly to your page. For example, try searching for ‘+YouTube’ on Google. Users will also be prompted to automatically add Pages they find through Direct Connect to their circles. Direct Connect will not work for everyone.

Direct Connect suggestions start populating as you type on Google.com
Just the beginning
We wanted to help you get your business on Google+ as soon as possible, so we’re opening the field trial for Google+ Pages to everyone today. Creating a Google+ Page only takes a few minutes. To get started, you’ll need a personal Google+ profile. If you don’t have a Google account, it’s very quick and easy to join. And if you are looking for inspiration, check out some of the companies that are already starting to set up their Pages:

Partner LogosBurberryHMMacysPepsiABC NewsAmazonAssassins_CreedATTBreaking_NewsOrangeDC_ComicsDellNBC_NewsGol_Linhas_aerasKiaLOrealMarvelNYTimesPiagetShadyTmobileToyotaUniqloVirgin
To learn more about how Google+ works for your business, check out the Google+ Your Business site. We’re just getting started and have many more features in the coming weeks and months. To keep up to date on the latest news and tips, add the Google+ Your Business page to your circles. If you have ideas on how we can improve Google+ for your business, we’d love to hear them.

Posted by Dennis Troper, Product Management Director, Google+ Pages

Missed the Think Mobile webinar on Nov. 2nd?

The recording is now available on the Google Business Channel on YouTube:

Your clients look to you, their agency, to guide their advertising strategy, to help them reach their objectives, and take advantage of new opportunities. And few business opportunities have taken off as fast as the mobile Web.  The most important first step to maximizing the mobile web opportunity is to create a mobile-friendly website.  So today we’re launching an initiative called GoMo that motivates businesses to “Go Mobile” and empowers agencies to help them make it happen.

So, are you ready to help your clients Go Mo?  Visit howtogomo.com where you’ll find the resources that can help you talk to your clients about what makes a good mobile site and motivate them to start building one.

Here’s what you’ll find at howtogomo.com:
  • Help your clients see what their customers see.  Your clients can see how their site appears to customers by entering a website address into the GoMometer.  The GoMometer will analyze their site and give them customized recommendations on how to make your site more mobile friendly.  They can even download a free customized report or you could pull the report and email it to them as a conversation starter.
  • Learn about why mobile matters.  Cool infographics and the latest stats will give you what you need to have data-driven conversation with your clients about why mobile-friendly sites really matter.
  • Get inspired by great examples. Inspire your clients with best-in-class mobile sites and our ten mobile site best practices.
  • A page created specifically for agencies!  On the “For Agencies” page, you will find the GoMo Agency Guide, a playbook filled with resources specifically designed for agencies who want to talk to their clients about creating mobile-friendly sites.

Check out this video (and forward it to your clients!) to learn more about howtogomo.com and how it can help your agency.

Still not sure how to Go Mo?  Please register for our webinar “Making Mobile-Friendly Websites: 10 Best Practices” on November 9 at 11 am PST/ 2 pm EST.  And check this blog all week as we’ll be featuring lots of great mobile site tips and new case studies.

Mobile is critical to the future of your clients business and the future of your agency so check out howtogomo.com and Go Mobile!

Posted by Jesse Haines, Google Mobile Ads Marketing

Whether it’s do-it-yourself spider napkin rings for Halloween or tips on planting an edible garden, HGTV provides ideas and entertainment to people passionate about home improvement. When promoting the next season of Selling New York, it made sense that HGTV try out YouTube TrueView video ads to reach the right audience - paying only when a viewer has chosen to watch its ad.

More brands like HGTV are using TrueView ads to reach engaged viewers than ever before. Last year, we predicted that 50 percent of all online display advertising campaigns would include a cost-per-view video ad by the year 2015. One year later, it’s looking like it wasn’t such a crazy prediction. TrueView video ads have become one of our fastest growing YouTube ad formats, with 50 percent of all in-stream ads now being skippable - a 4X increase since February.

TrueView in-stream now delivers more than 18 years of video each day for advertisers - that’s a lot of interested viewers. You can see what one looks like here.

Viewer’s choice
With TrueView video ads, we’re focused on developing an ecosystem that benefits everyone - partners, advertisers, and viewers. TrueView ads give viewers choice and control over which ads they want to see and when. From research conducted with market research firm Ipsos, only 2 percent of viewers surveyed preferred ads they watch from start to finish without the option of skipping. In fact, 9 in 10 survey participants felt that TrueView in-stream ads lead to a more enjoyable YouTube experience.

For advertisers, TrueView combines the brand engagement of video with the precision of online advertising. We are seeing view rates - or the percentage of viewers who choose to watch an advertiser’s message - hold steady at 15-45 percent. And, similar to search ads, campaigns can be easily controlled and managed with Google AdWords for video.

Viewer choice has translated into real benefits for our YouTube partners, helping partners such as The Onion, Michelle Phan, Machinima, and Howcast, make more money from their content. On average, TrueView in-stream ads reduce audience drop-off by 40 percent when compared to regular pre-roll ads.

Expanding TrueView
Today, we’re unveiling more ways viewers, advertisers, and partners can benefit from TrueView. We’re now working with publishers on the Google Display Network to run TrueView in-stream ads within their own video content.

We will also bring two existing formats to TrueView - YouTube Promoted Videos and Google Click-to-Play, beginning November 17. With this change, cost-per-view ads will span YouTube, video.google.com, and the Google Display Network.

TrueView in-stream video ad shown on a video clip on The Hollywood Reporter

Who’s getting results from TrueView?
Back to HGTV - by reaching the right audience on YouTube with creative ad content, HGTV achieved a 45 percent view rate for their TrueView in-stream ads, meaning that 45 out of every 100 people chose to watch their ad. Hear more about how HGTV used TrueView in this video:

Political marketers have also been early adopters of TrueView in-stream video ads, testing a wide range of creatives to understand which messages resonate with which audiences. Communications firm Harris Media has used TrueView ads for US Senate candidate Ted Cruz (Texas) and Florida Governor Rick Scott. The New Media Firm built awareness for the New Jersey Education Association and Senate Bill 2718 with TrueView ads.

Advertisers and agencies including HP, Lionsgate, Morpheus Media, O2, HISTORYTM, and Vodafone have all used TrueView to reach their marketing objectives, from launching a product to increasing brand awareness.

To learn more about our TrueView family of ad formats, visit here or watch this introductory video.

Posted by Baljeet Singh, Senior Product Manager at YouTube

Yesterday, we announced Dynamic Search Ads, a new way to target relevant searches with dynamic ads generated right from your website. We hope you’ll find Dynamic Search Ads to be a useful tool in your toolbox to scale up clients’ campaigns quickly, discover unwanted gaps in keyword coverage, or keep search campaigns in sync with your clients' fast-changing inventory.

In addition to the details on the Inside AdWords blog and in the AdWords Help center, we wanted to share a few answers here to common questions that you or your clients might have.
Q. So Dynamic Search Ads are typically producing incremental traffic gains of 5-10% with satisfactory ROI. What’s typical implementation look like?
A. During our pilot, a typical implementation would have max CPC bids initially set at approximately 75% of a campaign’s average, budgets were not constrained, the whole site was targeted, and negatives were used. For these implementations, it was typical to see increases in traffic of 5-10% with satisfactory ROI across a wide range of clients.

Q. Which clients are most likely to see greatest results?
A. Dynamic Search Ads have greater potential for advertisers with large, fast-changing inventories where it can be challenging to keep AdWords campaigns in sync with what’s actually in-stock.

Q. How do Quality Scores for Dynamic Search Ads relate to Quality Scores for keyword-based campaigns?
A. They’re tracked independently and do not affect one another.

Q. Are there any mechanisms to avoid inadvertent policy violations with the dynamic ad headlines?
A. Filtering technology is used to help avoid inadvertent trademark and other policy violations in the ad text headlines.
For another perspective on Dynamic Search Ads from an agency involved in the pilot, please visit the RKG blog for their analysis and usage strategies.

Dynamic Search Ads are available in all languages and countries, but are in limited beta. To get Dynamic Search Ads enabled in your clients’ accounts, please contact your Google representative. If you don’t have a representative, you can sign up using our interest form.

We’ll be listening closely to how you’re using Dynamic Search Ads, as well as your results, suggestions, and unanswered questions. As with all our betas, we value and welcome your feedback.

Baris GultekinDirector, AdWords Product Management

Not sure how to most effectively leverage and measure your mobile marketing campaigns? Well, you’re not alone. While mobile is an incredible new way to distribute content and reach customers on the go, it also presents a unique challenge when it comes to measuring the impact of our mobile efforts (like applications, advertisements or mobile-optimized websites).

Tune in on November 2nd for Google’s Think Mobile webinar, Mobile Advertising: Right Person, Right Time, Right Message - Finally!, led by Avinash Kaushik, Digital Marketing Evangelist. Avinash will share tips and best practices for mobile marketing campaigns, new metrics unique to mobile, and how best to measure mobile ads and websites.

                 • When: Wednesday, November 2, 2011 9-10:30am PST/ 12-1:30pm EST
                 • How: Register here

Posted by Jaime Mayer, Large Advertising Marketing Manager

Advertising is about getting your message in front of the right people. Whether you need to increase brand awareness or maximize ROI on direct response campaigns, your challenge continues to be about delivering the right message to the right person at the right time. How can you do this intelligently, and at scale? Audience Solutions on the Google Display Network (GDN) provides the insight you need, connecting potential customers by with exactly what they are looking for -- when they are ready to buy.

Please join Google in our upcoming webinar to learn more about audience targeting strategies for your campaigns using Audience Solutions on the Google Display Network. We’ll discuss:

Register here for the webinar to be held on November 1st, 2011 at 10:00am PST / 12:00pm CST / 1:00pm EST.

You can also preview a video of this invite here.

Last week at OMMA Global, Aitan Weinberg, Sr. Product Manager for Audience Solutions, presented on “Raising Awareness & Driving Sales with Audience Solutions.” The session discussed the ability to reach the right customer at the right time with the right message as being one of the most important elements of a campaign. See it here:

When selecting a vendor for audience targeting, Aitan reviewed 5 ways to help increase ROI for your campaigns:

1) Remarketing complements search campaigns
2) Use demographics to tailor every creative
3) Leverage Audience Insight reports
4) Review a collection of campaigns for a blended CPA
5) Understand your share of user and determine levers to reach everyone

To hear more tips on how to leverage audience data, make sure to watch the full presentation.

Posted by Desiree Motamedi, Product Marketing Manager

Since we announced the new version of Google Analytics in March, you may have noted an acceleration of new features and improvements. It’s part of our ongoing goal to make Google Analytics even more robust, flexible and powerful, and to enable you and your clients to get from data to insight to action more quickly.

We’re pleased to announce the availability of Google Analytics Premium - it’s everything customers value today in Google Analytics - with the addition of the guarantees, support and extra power that some of our largest customers have asked for. You can read more about it on the Google Analytics blog.

One of the new features soon available through Google Analytics Premium is a suite of attribution modeling tools that enable marketers to test their attribution hypotheses. As strategic advisors to brands that are investing and optimizing digital strategies, we want to keep you up to date with Google Analytics as you may see increased demand for Google Analytics skills and knowledge.

We’ll be offering additional training specifically for agencies, but in the meantime we’re hosting a webinar to introduce you to the features, explain options to partner with Google Analytics, and provide an opportunity to ask us questions. You can sign up here for the UK friendly time zone and here for the NA friendly time zone.

Title:  Introducing Google Analytics Premium
Date:  October 12th, 2011
Time:  8am PST / 11am EST / 4pm GMT - register for this time
             11am PST / 2pm EST / 7pm GMT  - register for this time

If you would like to continue to be notified of future Agency webinars on Google Analytics, please subscribe to the brand-new Google Group: Analytics for Agencies.

There are exciting developments ahead in analytics, and the value of insight to drive optimization and investment is just beginning. We’re building Google Analytics to help solve marketer challenges, and we really hope you’ll join us on this journey.

Posted By: Enrique Muñoz Torres, Product Manager, Google Analytics Premium

Last week, we shared examples of how direct response marketers are driving strong results with display advertising. But you’ve heard it before -- beyond driving immediate clicks and conversions, display builds brands. And as digital budgets accelerate, we’re seeing that for an increasingly growing number of brands, display advertising has become an ever-important part of their strategy. In fact, in the recently conducted Advertiser Intelligence Reports study, by Advertiser Perceptions, advertisers are planning on spending more digital display dollars in the next 12 months for brand goals than direct response (1).

So this week, we’re turning our attention to pioneering brands who used display advertising as a critical component in their overall marketing mix to connect with their audience, engage them emotionally, and as a result, drive meaningful results. Let’s take a closer look.

Animal Planet attracted 1.6MM viewers for the season premiere of River Monsters, putting it in the #1 spot among its target audience, by running an integrated video and rich media campaign across YouTube, AdMob, and the Google Display Network. (read case study)

Volvo drove an 88% lift in purchase intent for its new S60 sedan by leveraging the YouTube homepage and masthead unit, interactive video ads on AdMob, and standard IAB ads on the Google Display Network. (read case study)

Sealy reinvented its Posturepedic brand using YouTube promoted video ads and in-stream video ads, which drove 46% of its website traffic during the first week of the campaign. (read case study)

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At OMMA Global this week, we shared a simple framework for brand building that we developed after analyzing the campaigns of our most successful brand advertisers. These “better practices” focus on three key areas: connecting with the right consumer at the right moment, delivering an engaging message, and measuring the metrics that matter.

Connecting with the right consumer at the right moment. As consumers continue to access the internet more frequently throughout the day, from a multitude of devices, it’s increasingly important for brand marketers to create device-inclusive, rather than device-specific, campaigns. And by targeting a combination of audience and contextual signals, it’s now easier than ever to reach the right person, at the right time, on the right device through the Google Display Network or DoubleClick AdExchange.

Engaging them emotionally. The best display ads don’t just leverage sight, sound, and motion, but also harness display’s interactive capabilities that drive deep engagement with a brand. Our research shows that rich media ads drive significantly better brand performance than standard Flash ads--1.7X for brand awareness, 2.7X in purchase intent, and 5X increase in brand favorability (2). We also see that newer ad formats, like mobile display and in-stream video, are even more effective at moving consumers down the brand funnel. Lastly, we’ve seen masthead ads on the YouTube homepage garner an 11% interaction rate and drive a 4X lift in engagement compared to standard ads (3).

Measuring more robustly. Looking beyond simple clicks and conversions, brand marketers use Campaign Insights to measure increased awareness and interest through the lift in search queries and website visits. Paired with Google Analytics and Multi-Channel Funnels, advertisers can see a complete picture of the chain of online and offline media that drives brand engagement. And to close the loop, many of our brands match geo-targeted display campaigns to offline sales to measure the true impact of a display ad campaign.

More and more studies show that brand marketers who focus on these three levers see the the greatest return on their display ad investment. With display’s ability to connect more precisely with your target consumer, engage more emotionally with interactive messages, and measure robust metrics along all parts of the purchase funnel, it’s no wonder that display builds brands.

Watch this space.

(1) Advertiser Intelligence Reports (AIR) study, Advertiser Perceptions, August 2011
(2) The Brand Value of Video and Rich Media Ads, DoubleClick, September 2011
(3) YouTube Homepage Impact Study, Compete, December 2010

Posted by Brian Zeug, National Sales Director, Display and Video

Few would argue that online display advertising is playing an increasingly important role in the marketing mix. While we frequently talk about how the vast majority of our top advertisers have run a Google display campaign in the last year while continuing to increase their investment, today we’re shining a light on some specific examples.

For each brand we’re highlighting today, display was an integral part of their broader marketing strategy. To make it work, they tapped into a robust display advertising toolbox and applied targeting, creative, measurement and optimization solutions that made the most sense for their campaign objective. Let’s take a look at the results.

Airbnb increased the number of nights booked from 800,000 to 2 million with help from remarketing on the Google Display Network and TrueView video ads on YouTube.  (Read case study)

Groupon acquired millions of subscribers with the help of contextual targeting and auto-optimization on the Google Display Network.  (Read case study)

ShoeDazzle got 45% of their conversions from the Google Display Network by applying a variety of targeting and optimization tools.  (Read case study)

At the heart of each success lies a common theme: Great display advertising happens when smart strategies are applied in three key areas: Finding the right customer, showing them the perfect ad, and measuring and optimizing effectively.

Find the right customer. Reaching just the right audience is at the crux of any successful campaign. In fact, marketers are saying the biggest driver of increased display budgets is the availability of better targeting technologies. (1)  From remarketing strategies that reach 84% of users on a typical list, to interest categories that show interested users your message while respecting user privacy, we’re constantly innovating to precisely connect your message with your audience. And just last month, we shared strategies for applying the right targeting mix to extract the most out of direct response campaigns on the GDN.

Show them the perfect ad. You can find the right audience, but what do you tell them?  With display, marketers have a wide-open canvas to connect with consumers to drive the results they care about. And an effective ad can come in any format. In fact, many of the brands we’re highlighting today used Standard IAB display ad units but with compelling messaging and beautiful creative that really resonated with their audience.

Measure and optimize based on real-time insights. Advertisers have always benefited from transparency into exactly where ads run, their costs, and the right metrics to measure campaign performance, providing actionable insights to optimize their campaigns. Our recent investments in measurement and optimization take this further. Marketers can now see a complete picture of the chain of impressions and clicks that drives campaign performance with Multi-Channel Funnels. And applying Google’s 10 years of experience in developing optimization algorithms, we’ve launched tools like Display Campaign Optimizer, which can be used to do fully automated bidding and targeting to boost conversions and ROI.

So today, while we’re celebrating these successes, more than that, there is a valuable insight here. The display toolbox is a rich one. It’s the agencies and marketers who tap into that toolbox and apply it in ways that make sense for their campaigns, who will greatly benefit from display as a medium. So.. will your campaign be the next one we shine a light on?  

Watch this space.

(1) Effective Audience Targeting Leads To Bigger Display Budgets, eMarketer, May 2011

Posted by Emel Mutlu, Product Marketing Manager, Google Display, Client Communications

Earlier today we announced several exciting new additions to Google+, including many on mobile. We’d like to announce one more addition for our AdWords advertisers, +1 on the Google Display Network.

Since its introduction on search results and search ads, the +1 button has been installed on over a million websites across the web with over 4 billion impressions daily. Starting early October we’re expanding that to include display ads across the web on both desktop and mobile. For the first time, you’ll be able to run social-enabled ad campaigns that work across millions of sites in over 40 countries around the world.

If you’re running display ads through the Google Display Network you may begin seeing the +1 button and personal annotations with your ads. With a single click, people can recommend the ad’s landing page to their friends and contacts.

Incorporating personal recommendations into display ads has the potential to change the way people view advertising. A display ad becomes much more powerful when people can see which of their friends and contacts have chosen to endorse it.

For example, take Elaine, who sees an ad for discount flights. She +1’s the ad, thinking her friends might value similar deals. Now when Elaine’s friends and contacts are logged into Google and see the discount flight ad on any of the millions of GDN partner websites, they’ll see Elaine’s picture across the bottom of the ad with a note saying she +1’d it.

On desktop, the +1 button and recommendations will appear at the bottom of display ads, then fade out until the viewer hovers over the ad. The viewer can also close the overlays by clicking the ‘x’.

On mobile, the +1 button will replace the existing ‘g’ logo and recommendations will appear for several seconds, then fade out.
Elaine’s friends and contacts will also be more likely to see the ad. Because a recommendation from a friend is such a strong signal of relevance, the Google Display Network gives ads that have been recommended an extra boost by including them in the auction for any page a friend visits. Of course, if you’re targeting specific placements or audience segments (including interest categories and remarketing lists), your ads will only show on pages that match those restrictions. Additionally, your ads will never show on any placement or category on an exclusions list.

What’s even better is that the +1 button on display ads will work together with +1 buttons on search results, search ads, and websites. A single +1 applies to the same content across the web, no matter where it appears.

On the Google Display Network (GDN), the +1 button will be added to image, animated GIF, Flash, Display Ad Builder ads and select mobile inventory. You can also choose to include the +1 button on your DoubleClick Rich Media ads, which can run on or off the GDN.

We’re confident from our initial experience with the +1 button on search that this’ll be a great addition to your GDN campaigns. However, if you’re not sure that you want the +1 button and recommendations associated with your ads, starting today you can opt-out at the campaign level in AdWords under campaign settings.

To learn more about the +1 button and how it affects your ads and search results, visit our +1 button site.

Posted by Eider Oliveira, Senior Software Engineer

Today, we’re excited to announce Adwords Editor 9.5! This version supports Campaign Experiments, Location Extensions, and plenty of other features to boost your productivity while managing your AdWords campaigns. We've highlighted the key changes below, and you can see the complete list of feature updates in the AdWords Editor Version 9.5 release notes.

AdWords Editor Version 9.5 highlights:

Campaign Experiments
You can now do the following to maintain your campaign experiments:
  • Apply and edit an experiment status (e.g. “control only”, “experiment only”, “control and experiment”) at the ad group, ad, or keyword level.
  • Apply and edit a Default Max. CPC, Display Network Max. CPC, or Max. CPM bid multiplier at the ad group level.
  • Apply and edit a Max. CPC bid multiplier at the keyword level.
  • Import and export experiment status and bid multipliers in both CSV and XML formats.
Location Extensions
Version 9.5 supports new and existing location extensions. You can create new manual location extensions for any address, modify existing locations, and download/upload location extensions in CSV and XML formats.

Background Download
If you’re working on several large accounts, you can now download them in the background while you’re working on another open account. This can be a great timesaver by allowing you to continue working rather than waiting for the download to finish.

We also listened to your feedback and made several usability improvements, including improved revert functionality and streamlined Add Multiple Items workflow.

The next time you log into your AdWords Editor account, you will be prompted to upgrade. You may also download Version 9.5 from the AdWords Editor website. After you install the new version of AdWords Editor, you will need to download your accounts again. To preserve your comments and unposted changes, select the Backup then Upgrade option in the automatic upgrade prompt and save the backup file to your computer. Then, re-download your account and import the backup file to AdWords Editor. A small portion of users may need to manually uninstall the previous version of AdWords Editor.

For more information, check out the release notes and visit the AdWords Editor Help Center.

Posted by Lauren Barbato, Inside AdWords crew

(Cross-posted from the Inside AdWords blog)

In June we launched the +1 button for websites, making it easier to recommend content across the web. In July, the +1 button crossed 2 billion daily views, and we also made it a lot faster. Today the +1 button appears on more than a million sites, with over 4 billion daily views, and we're extremely excited about this momentum.

It's just the beginning, however, and today we're launching two more features that make +1 buttons more useful for users and publishers alike.

Sharing with your circles on Google+
Clicking the +1 button is a great way to highlight content for others when they search on Google. But sometimes you want to start a conversation right away—at least with certain groups of friends. So beginning today, we're making it easy for Google+ users to share webpages with their circles, directly from the +1 button. Just +1 a page as usual and look for the new "Share on Google+" option. From there you can comment, choose a circle and share.

The new +1 button on Rotten Tomatoes

When you share content from the +1 button, you’ll notice that we automatically include a link, an image and a description in the sharebox. We call these "+snippets," and they're a great way to jumpstart conversations with the people you care about.

Of course: publishers can benefit from +snippets as well. With just a few changes to their webpages, publishers can actually customize their +snippets and encourage more sharing of their content on Google+. More details are available on the Google Webmaster blog.

We're rolling out sharing and +snippets globally over the next week, but if you’d like to try the new +1 button now, you can join our Google+ Platform Preview. Once you're part of the Preview, just visit a site with the +1 button (like Rotten Tomatoes) and +1 the page. Thanks for all of your feedback so far, and stay tuned for more features in the weeks and months ahead!

Posted by Vic Gundotra, Senior Vice President of Engineering

(Cross-posted from the Google Official Blog)

The Analytics for Agencies series is coming full circle. Now that we've shown extensive examples of navigating the new Google Analytics interface, and how to use the tool for insightful analysis, we're ready to step back and show you how to access this data using thorough implementation planning.

Webinar: Measuring Customer Engagement: How to set up Google Analytics to measure the things that really matter

On Tuesday, August 23rd, at 2pm ET / 11am PT, we are holding a webinar that will walk through the steps required in mapping a full-featured and effective implementation of Google Analytics. If your analysis has ever fallen short because the right data wasn't there when you needed it, then this webinar is for you. It will include tips on common and advanced uses for all of the tags in GA (especially Events & Custom Variables), and will review an example implementation plan in order to fully visualize how this process works.

If you would like to attend, block off an hour on your calendar and include this webinar link: https://google.webex.com/google/j.php?ED=152890697&UID=0&RT=MiM0. If you would like a reminder before the webinar, please follow the webinar link and click "Add to my calendar."

If you missed any of the previous Analytics for Agencies sessions, you can review them on YouTube:

The Analytics for Agencies series takes place within the new interface of GA, which you can access by logging into your Google Analytics account and clicking the red “New Version” link at the top of the page.

You can sign up to receive reminders before each webinar on the Analytics for Agencies registration form.

Hope to see you there!

What: Webinar: Measuring Customer Engagement: How to set up Google Analytics to measure the things that really matter
When: Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011 at 2pm ET / 11am PT
How: Follow the webinar link at the webinar start time

Posted by Jesse Nichols, Partner Program Manager, Google Analytics & Website Optimizer