From the course: Learning Word Online (Microsoft 365)

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Use the transcribe feature

Use the transcribe feature

- [Instructor] Just before we continue adding various types of content to our existing document here in Word Online, there's another feature available to those who have a Microsoft 365 subscription that will also make use of your microphone. It's called the Transcribe feature, it's what we're going to explore in this movie. And we're going to do it with a blank document, so we no longer need the Dictate feature, if you were following along, we can close that up by clicking the Close button. And we're going to start a new blank document, so let's go up to File up here in the top left and choose New blank document. Notice a new tab opens up here at the top. Now we're ready to start adding content, but we can use something called Transcribe to either transcribe what's being recorded in the moment using our microphone, or we can upload an existing audio file to have it transcribed to create a nice looking document here in…
