From the course: Learning Word Online (Microsoft 365)

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Apply document formatting in Word Online

Apply document formatting in Word Online

From the course: Learning Word Online (Microsoft 365)

Apply document formatting in Word Online

- [Instructor] We know that making changes to the formatting of our text and our paragraphs can really change the look of a document, make it more visually interesting. There are also changes we can make to the layout of our document. We're going to explore those in this movie as we continue working with our Red30 conference 2024 document, or any document you may be working with is fine. We're going to start by looking at the default settings that came with our document when we chose to create a new blank document in the very beginning. First of all, if we look at our document, you can see as we scroll down, it's taller than it is wide. We're not quite sure exactly how wide and how tall, but we can get a better feel by going up to the view tab on our ribbon. And from here, turning on the ruler, click the ruler button, and we'll get a ruler across the top and one down the left. And if you look from zero all the way…
