From the course: Learning Word Online (Microsoft 365)

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What you need for this course

What you need for this course

- [Instructor] Well, here's what you need to know to follow along with me in this course. Firstly, you'll need to have a working internet connection to access Word online. I'll be accessing this online version of Word from a Google Chrome browser on a Mac computer but you can work with virtually any modern and up-to-date browser like Edge, Firefox, and Safari and open them up on any platform like Windows, Linux, or even on mobile devices like tablets and smartphones. Just keep in mind, your screen might look a little different from mine if you're not working with the Google Chrome browser on a Mac. The other thing you'll need is some type of Microsoft sign-in credential. I'll be using a Microsoft 365 Business account in a corporate environment, but you can use other accounts like personal Windows, Live accounts,, or even an old Hotmail account. We'll discuss this further in the next chapter. Lastly, there are no…
