From the course: Learning Word Online (Microsoft 365)

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Print documents from Word Online

Print documents from Word Online

- [Instructor] If you want to share your Word Online document the old-fashioned way on paper, of course, printing is also an option. That's what we're going to explore in this movie. You can be working with any document you like. I still have my Red30 Conference 2024 document open. Notice that it's a two-page document, even though the second page has nothing on it right now, except for what's contained in the header and footer areas. We go up to File, and from here choose Print. This is going to look different than what you might be used to working with the full-fledged desktop version of Microsoft Word. Notice there's not a list of options to choose from here. Just print this document. And when we click this, a dialogue will pop open before the Print dialogue appears on top of it. So we get a preview of our document, what it looks like. We can scroll down to the second page: nothing there except for draft at the top and…
