From the course: Learning Word Online (Microsoft 365)

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Rename a document in Word Online

Rename a document in Word Online

- [Instructor] Well, we now know when we create brand-new documents here in Word Online, a name is assigned by default which is the Word document and possibly a number if there are other files that were created the same way. To make more sense of the documents we have when we create them, we might want to give them a more meaningful name. So in this movie we're going to talk about renaming your documents. So if you've been following along, you've already got a couple of lines in here in your brand-new document; it's saved automatically to the cloud, we know that; now it's time to give it a better name. Up here on the title bar we see document and possibly a number and that it is saved. Go to File to click that tab and from here you'll see some options, such as down below, save as. Notice we don't see save here; it's not an option because we don't need it. Everything that we do in a document is saved on the fly. But…
