From the course: Learning Word Online (Microsoft 365)

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Format text and use styles

Format text and use styles

- [Instructor] When adding text to a document here in Word online, the text formatting that is applied is the default formatting that comes with the template you chose. In our case, we started with a blank document, and the formatting that we see as we enter text is using the default settings we see up here on the ribbon. For example, you'll see the name of the font and the default font size. Of course, all of this can be adjusted. We can change formatting for pieces of text manually. We can apply group formatting known as styles and that's what we're going to explore in this movie. So if you are following along with our Red30Conference2024 document, we have a few lines of text, a paragraph in the middle, and it's time to make this stand out, make it more visually interesting by applying some text formatting. And we're going to start with our title right across the top. You'll notice on the ribbon that with the home tab…
