From the course: Learning Word Online (Microsoft 365)

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Close, open, and manage documents

Close, open, and manage documents

- [Instructor] Because Word Online is cloud-based and the files we create are saved to the cloud, the way we manage those files could be a little bit different than what you're used to. It's what we're going to explore in this movie, beginning with simply closing up a file you're no longer working on. If you've been following along, we have a couple of lines of text in our new document that we've renamed Red 30 Conference 2024. We know it's automatically saved as we make changes. It's saved to the cloud, which could be your own personal OneDrive, a business OneDrive, could even be to SharePoint, depending on the subscription that your organization uses. So when it's time to close up a file, what exactly do we do? Typically you would go up to file and select close from the dropdown menu, and as you can see, there is no option to close up the file. The only close we see is to close up the menu itself. So let's go ahead and…
